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Individualization of the mechanistic model

Parameter estimation

Here, we use phospho-protein time-course datasets to train kinetic constants and weighting factors.

📒 Note: In this study, we used BioMASS.jl, but in most cases you can use pasmopy.optimize() function for parameter estimation.

  1. Build a mechanistic model to identify model parameters

    import os
    from pasmopy import Text2Model
    Text2Model(os.path.join("models", "erbb_network.txt"), lang="julia").convert()
  2. Add time-series data to experimental_data.jl

  3. Set an objective function to be minimized in fitness.jl

  4. Run

    $ mv erbb_network_jl training
    $ cd training
    $ mkdir errout
    $ sh  # It will take more than a few days to optimize parameters.
    $ cd ..

    When finished, run:

    $ julia
    using BioMASS

    And you will get dat2npy/out/. This is the estimated parameter sets that biomass can recognize and read. Copy out/ to each patient-specific model folder via:

    import os
    import shutil
    breast_cancer_models = []
    path_to_models = os.path.join("models", "breast")
    for model in os.listdir(path_to_models):
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path_to_models, model)) and (
            model.startswith("TCGA_") or model.endswith("_BREAST")
    # Set optimized parameters
    for model in breast_cancer_models:
            os.path.join("training", "erbb_network_jl", "dat2npy", "out"),
            os.path.join(path_to_models, f"{model}", "out"),

Patient-specific simulations

  • Use pasmopy.PatientModelSimulations

    import os
    import shutil
    from pathlib import Path
    from pasmopy import PatientModelSimulations
    import models.breast
    TCGA_ID = [
        l.strip() for l in Path("models", "breast", "sample_names.txt").read_text("utf-8").splitlines()
    # Create patient-specific models
    for patient in TCGA_ID:
        if patient != "TCGA_3C_AALK_01A":
                os.path.join("models", "breast", "TCGA_3C_AALK_01A"),
                os.path.join("models", "breast", f"{patient}"),
    # Execute patient-specific models
    simulations = PatientModelSimulations(models.breast.__package__, TCGA_ID)