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Construction of a comprehensive model of the ErbB signaling network

From text into executable models

  1. Use pasmopy.Text2Model to build a mechanistic model

     import os
     from pasmopy import Text2Model
     Text2Model(os.path.join("models", "erbb_network.txt")).convert()
  2. Rename erbb_network/ to CCLE_name or TCGA_ID, e.g., MCF7_BREAST or TCGA_3C_AALK_01A

     import shutil
         os.path.join("models", "erbb_network"),
         os.path.join("models", "breast", "TCGA_3C_AALK_01A")

Other tasks for incorporating gene expression levels

  1. Add weighting factors for each gene (prefix: "w_") to name2idx/

     from pasmopy import Model
     from pasmopy.preprocessing import WeightingFactors
     from models import erbb_network
     model = Model(erbb_network.__package__).create()
     gene_expression = {
         "ErbB1": ["EGFR"],
         "ErbB2": ["ERBB2"],
         "ErbB3": ["ERBB3"],
         "ErbB4": ["ERBB4"],
         "Grb2": ["GRB2"],
         "Shc": ["SHC1", "SHC2", "SHC3", "SHC4"],
         "RasGAP": ["RASA1", "RASA2", "RASA3"],
         "PI3K": ["PIK3CA", "PIK3CB", "PIK3CD", "PIK3CG"],
         "PTEN": ["PTEN"],
         "SOS": ["SOS1", "SOS2"],
         "Gab1": ["GAB1"],
         "RasGDP": ["HRAS", "KRAS", "NRAS"],
         "Raf": ["ARAF", "BRAF", "RAF1"],
         "MEK": ["MAP2K1", "MAP2K2"],
         "ERK": ["MAPK1", "MAPK3"],
         "Akt": ["AKT1", "AKT2"],
         "PTP1B": ["PTPN1"],
         "GSK3b": ["GSK3B"],
         "DUSP": ["DUSP5", "DUSP6", "DUSP7"],
         "cMyc": ["MYC"],
     weighting_factors = WeightingFactors(model, gene_expression)
  2. Edit SearchParam class

     import os
     import numpy as np
     from pasmopy import Individualization
     from . import __path__
     from .name2idx import C, V
     from .set_model import initial_values, param_values
     incorporating_gene_expression_levels = Individualization(
         transcriptomic_data=os.path.join("transcriptomic_data", "TPM_RLE_postComBat_BRCA_BREAST.csv"),
             "ErbB1": ["EGFR"],
             "ErbB2": ["ERBB2"],
             "ErbB3": ["ERBB3"],
             "ErbB4": ["ERBB4"],
             "Grb2": ["GRB2"],
             "Shc": ["SHC1", "SHC2", "SHC3", "SHC4"],
             "RasGAP": ["RASA1", "RASA2", "RASA3"],
             "PI3K": ["PIK3CA", "PIK3CB", "PIK3CD", "PIK3CG"],
             "PTEN": ["PTEN"],
             "SOS": ["SOS1", "SOS2"],
             "Gab1": ["GAB1"],
             "RasGDP": ["HRAS", "KRAS", "NRAS"],
             "Raf": ["ARAF", "BRAF", "RAF1"],
             "MEK": ["MAP2K1", "MAP2K2"],
             "ERK": ["MAPK1", "MAPK3"],
             "Akt": ["AKT1", "AKT2"],
             "PTP1B": ["PTPN1"],
             "GSK3b": ["GSK3B"],
             "DUSP": ["DUSP5", "DUSP6", "DUSP7"],
             "cMyc": ["MYC"],
         read_csv_kws={"index_col": "Description"}
     class SearchParam(object):
         def update(self, indiv):
             x = param_values()
             y0 = initial_values()
             for i, j in enumerate(self.idx_params):
                 x[j] = indiv[i]
             for i, j in enumerate(self.idx_initials):
                 y0[j] = indiv[i + len(self.idx_params)]
             # As maximal transcription rate
             x[C.V291] = incorporating_gene_expression_levels.as_reaction_rate(
                 __path__[0].split(os.sep)[-1], x, "V291", "DUSP"
             x[C.V310] = incorporating_gene_expression_levels.as_reaction_rate(
                 __path__[0].split(os.sep)[-1], x, "V310", "cMyc"
             # As initial conditions
             y0 = incorporating_gene_expression_levels.as_initial_conditions(
                 __path__[0].split(os.sep)[-1], x, y0